Witch Hazel Home Skin Care Remedies

Witch Hazel is a beneficial part of natural skin care.   Witch Hazel comes for the witch hazel tree, and contains numerous benefits in natural skin care.   Witch hazel can be used on insect bites, sunburns other burn as well as cuts and scrapes.  It stops the bleeding and help ease the pain. 

Witch hazel is a natural astringent which helps to reduce skin irritation and prevent infections.  The tannin content in witch hazel has a strong astringent property as well as antioxidant properties.  It is gentle and non-drying and great to use on acne-prone skin.

Witch hazel has disinfecting properties, thus reducing bacteria.  It reduces irritation on the skin and causes a “numbing” effect when applied.   The tannins in witch hazel also tighten pores and swollen veins , and reduce inflammation and dryness.

Witch hazel is also great as a make-up remover.                               

Witch hazel soothes psoriasis and eczema.

Looking for an effective topical remedy for acne?  Try this simple solution:

Take plain witch hazel straight from the bottle and apply twice a day (no more than that) to acne prone areas with a cotton ball.   Never take witch hazel orally !!

Want more great home remedies for wrinkles and other skin care issues, visit Naturally Skinsational now and get started on your own natural skin care routine.

Information on ALOE VERA GEL you maybe aren't aware of ...

Besides cuts, scrapes and burns, this miracle plant can also help control acne, psoriasis, frostbite, and blisters as well as help maintain healthy beautiful skin. It's in the pharmaceutical companies best interest to keep the population in the dark about the many healing powers that this desert lily has. Aloe vera also contains a large amount of phytosterols, which are plant lipids that help improve skin elasticity eliminating the effects of scarring and wrinkles. Read more about the benefits of aloe here.